Customer and User experience
Contribution to the design of different user cases and customer journeys. Definition and scoring of : user and customer needs, services to be delivered, optimisation of ambiance without compromising crowd safety, site security and cost control ;
Proposal of innovative solutions to maximise spectator engagement with an immersive atmosphere ( augmented reality, digital animation, special sound effects…).

Specification of technical requirements for each site : lighting, connectivity, digital screens, IT…
Definition of overlay spaces and equipment : car parks, concessions, merchandising POS, suites and lounges tents, logistic flow modelling for each space;
Design of site fitting out and cost optimisation ;
Proposal of design principles in order to deliver the most modular and multi-use sites in view to enable after event/games reconfiguration (event legacy);
Drafting and implementation of site operating plan.

Operational and functional process
Mapping , sourcing and scoring of service providers for each site : F&B, catering, safety, security, AV equipment monitor, IT, cleaning, medical services…
Audit of existing team and monitoring of progress reporting versus forecast;
Venue modelling, proposal of target organisation chart, job description and services providers hiring plan ;
Drafting of request for quotation and budgeting of OPEX for main services or function;
Contribution to the post event legacy planning and event social and environmental responsibility.